Posts Tagged “markdown”
- Readwise to DEVONthink update
- Readwise highlights to DEVONthink
- Archive linkding bookmarks to DEVONthink
- Marky gets DEVONthink integration
- Strikethrough and emojis for mdless
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Personal Projects
- Brett's Favorites 2024: iOS
- Archive linkding bookmarks to local Markdown
- Marky 2.0
- Marky is back
- Updated: generate slick changelogs from Git commits
- SearchLink with improved bookmark and history searching
- Speed up development with Howzit templates
- Marked 2.6.39 with Streaming Preview fixes
- TableFlip giveaway!
- Marked giveaway!
- Obsidian Callouts in Marked
- Markdown Lipsum v2
- A Markdown Lorem Ipsum API
- I can't believe I forgot this Conductor filter
- Conductor filters simplify basic operations
- Marked 2 and Obsidian
- WriteMapper - writing with mind maps
- Conductor fixes and improvements
- Life after iThoughts
- Introducing the Marked Conductor
- A plea to nvALT users
- Automating the Dimspirations workflow
- Convert nvALT RTF files to Markdown
- Multi-keystroke keybindings
- Brett's Favorites 2023
- mdless with document transclusion
- mdless gets all the colors
- mdless updates for Thanksgiving weekend
- mdless 2.0
- Searchlink, not just for searching
- SearchLink Fixes
- Automating the giveaways
- Marked and Bear
- Journal updates with weather types and conditional questions
- Journal and integrations
- Journal, a CLI for journaling
- Convert RegExRX native files to Markdown snippets
- Static blogs and Mastodon
- Markdown to Bike conversion
- Snibbets plain text code snippet manager reborn
- Syntax highlighting is fun, and you won't believe this one weird trick
- Howzit with named variables
- Gather 2.1 with saved presets
- I completely refactored SearchLink and now I should probably stop
- SearchLink -- better searches, better results
- SearchLink -- browser history, bookmarks, and Pinboard
- SearchLink 2.3 -- improved inline search for Markdown writers
- Brett's Favorites 2022 - Personal Projects
- Gather to nvUltra
- Read2Text is now Gather, your new Markdownifier
- PopClip extensions: WebMarkdown fix
- Getting started with Howzit
- A Keyboard Maestro macro for cross-linking Markdown docs
- Howzit gets templates
- Some updates for howzit, Markdown notes for your projects
- Mind Maps and Marked 2
- Progressive builds for Deckset
- The next big thing for Marked 2
- Markdown Service Tools v3.0
- Marked 2 as an even better teleprompter
- Marked 2 as teleprompter, revisited
- Markdown and code snippet management
- New Marked video: Finding the Answers
- SearchLink: Checking your work
- Brett's Favorites 2019
- SearchLink: Next Steps
- SearchLink Basics
- Web Excursions for September 30, 2019
- mdless one dot oh my
- Your August nvUltra update
- Sponsor: TableFlip -- The Ultimate Plain Text Table Editing Tool, now in the Mac App Store
- Tame your turbulent schedule with NotePlan 2
- Web Excursions for May 22, 2019
- The ultimate guide to DuckDuckGo
- You won't believe what Marked 2 will do to its status bar and 11 bugfixes that will clickbait SEO headline
- Stuff I've made (and actually use)
- The Marked 2 NaNoShaNoWriMo Sale
- The XML Data Liberation Front
- Working with multi-file documents in Marked 2
- Marked 2.5.11 is live
- Curio 12 — a Markdown extravaganza
- Deckset 2.0 is more of a great thing
- Best of 2017: Creating on macOS
- Markdown Service Tools 2.16
- MultiMarkdown Composer 4 (+Giveaway)
- SearchLink and Markdown Service Tools updates
- Marked 2.5.8
- TabLinks 3.0
- TableFlip: the cure for Markdown table editing
- CSV to MultiMarkdown table update
- A new Markdown Service Tool for easy MultiMarkdown tables
- My current blogging workflow
- MultiMarkdown Composer and CriticMarkup
- Marked 2.5.5
- Marked 2.5.4: Updates, fixes, and improvements
- The "just stay home" Marked 2 sale
- Marked 2.5 is official!
- SearchLink 2.2.2
- Write better Markdown
- mdless: Better Markdown in Terminal
- Markdown Quicktags lives again
- Paragraph unwrap update for Markdown Service Tools
- MMD QuickLook 1.2 with TextBundle support
- Sublime Text tips for Markdown table editing
- MultiMarkdown Quicklook plugin 1.1
- Marked 2.4.11: party like it's $9.99!
- Titler 1.1.0
- Titler: instantly add page titles to URLS in your text
- Marked 2.4.10
- My pick for best iOS nvALT companion
- Exporting Safari Reading List to Pinboard and/or Markdown
- A couple of Marky fixes...
- Marked 2.4.8
- Typed: a new Markdown editor from Realmac
- GitHub TOC Service 0.2.0
- SearchLink 2.2.0. Awesome.
- Answered: save your StackExchange discoveries
- The Ulysses winners
- Announcing the Textbundle format (and Ulysses 3 giveaway)
- Clarify for Markdown blogging
- Custom export options for Marked 2
- Marked 2.3 on the Mac App Store
- A GitHub README table of contents Service
- Web Excursions for June 28, 2014
- Marker, Grablinks, and Bullseye fixes
- Mirror your MindMeister maps to nvALT
- Markdown: here, let me show you
- Web Excursions for May 16, 2014
- MultiMarkdown upgrades for Marky the Markdownifier
- SearchLink 2.1.1: blogger friendlier
- Deckset 1.0 released
- Dash docsets from MultiMarkdown
- A Notehub CLI
- Web Excursions for March 05, 2014
- Markdown at work: Marked site licenses
- Marked 2.2 (822) released
- Web Excursions for January 30, 2014
- Cheaters 2.0.5, cheating gets easier
- Open Together notes in Marked
- Marked 2.2 (820)
- A Service for creating Marked indexes
- Markdown Service Tools and UTF-8
- SearchLink 2.0
- SearchLink 1.8 is the new Auto-Link Service
- Using Marked 2 as a teleprompter
- Web Markdownifier for PopClip
- Marker: Web selections to Markdown
- Web Excursions for December 11, 2013
- Marked 2.2
- MarkdownEditing for Sublime Text updates
- Marked 2.1 (793) with improved word repetition checking
- Save Pocket favorites to nvALT with IFTTT and Hazel
- "Lazy" Markdown footnotes
- Markdown Service Tools update for Mavericks
- Ulysses III 1.1
- "Lazy" Markdown reference links
- A Markdown Service to strip Markdown
- Web Excursions for September 11, 2013
- Editor and CriticMarkup extensions for PopClip
- Brainstorming the brainstorm: workflows and ideas
- Converting Markdown to a mind map
- Editorial for iPad is here
- Web Excursions for August 08, 2013
- Bullseye 0.3
- Comment extension for PopClip
- Precise web clipping to Markdown with Bullseye
- Web Excursions for July 08, 2013
- GrabLinks: One more time, with feeling
- Grablinks bookmarklet 2.0
- Saving batches of links from web pages
- A fix for the Auto-Link Web Search Service
- Byword 2 improves sync, adds publishing
- Marky the Markdownifier, reworked and refined
- CriticMarkup in Marked 1.4
- Experiment: Send to nvALT links
- TextExpander iOS Markdown fix for Drafts 3
- Mac App review: Ulysses III
- SearchLink 1.5 with Amazon search and affiliate linking
- SearchLink gets a little smarter
- Markdown, the book
- More Markdown for PopClip
- An Inline Footnote Service redux just for Gabe
- Footnote utilities for the Markdown Service Tools
- New in the Markdown Service Tools: in-place Markdown to RTF
- Markdown Service Tools 2.0
- Maintaining documentation in Markdown
- Markdown Service Tools updates and fixes
- Web excursions: November 16, 2012
- Markdown link format conversion on iOS
- FoldingText lives!
- SearchLink: automated Markdown linking improved
- Easy command line Github Flavored Markdown
- Web excursions: August 29, 2012
- TextDown: Markdown editor for Chrome
- Web excursions: August 25, 2012
- More Marky love for nvALT
- Hog Bay Software looking for FoldingText feedback
- Marky the Markdownifier, reintroductions
- App Review: Textastic code editor for iPad
- Markdown Editing for Sublime Text 2: humble beginnings
- Regarding my dream Markdown editor
- My ultimate Markdown editor wishlist
- MultiMarkdown Quick Look with Style
- Markdown Service Tools get blockquotes, self-links and more
- Unwrap Paragraphs for the Markdown Service Tools
- Markdown Service Tools 1.3
- Introducing Gather, a Cocoa Markdownifier
- A Service for writing MultiMarkdown footnotes inline
- Scripting Readability and Markdownify for clipping web pages
- Markdown QuickTags 0.8 for Christmas
- Marked 1.3.2 in review
- The second Marked giveaway!
- Mac App Giveaway: Byword
- Mac App Giveaway: MultiMarkdown Composer
- Get Marked: 50% off for Black Friday
- iOS App Giveaway: WriteUp
- iOS App Review: WriteUp
- The keys that bind: KeyBinding Madness part 2
- The MindMeister Markdown Showdown
- Byword for keyboard nerds
- Marked 1.3.1, more MultiMarkdown goodies
- MultiMarkdown Composer hits the App Store
- Fixing Spotlight indexing of Markdown content
- Marked 1.3 released, plus 5 free copies!
- Marked Bonus Pack fix and Marked 1.3 progress
- Catching Markdown mistakes
- OmniFocus and Markdown, oh my
- Introducing the Marked Bonus Pack
- How to be popular at parties
- Auto-convert your inline Markdown links to references
- Some Chrome love for the Markdown Service Tools
- New Markdown Service tool: HTML to Clipboard
- Why Markdown? A two-minute explanation
- Marked 1.2 is out!
- Quick Tip: Extracting Mac App Store reviews as text
- Marked is on the Mac App Store
- A Bash function for Markdown bloggers
- Taking the Markdown to Evernote service further
- A couple of TextMate Macros for Markdown lists
- Markdown QuickTags makes 1000 people happier and more attractive
- Markdown in ScreenSteps
- Markdown snippets for TextExpander touch
- Meet Marky, the Markdownifier
- nvALT 1.0.7
- Notational Velocity ALT 1.0 release
- Notational Velocity ALT 5.3
- Lunch-break bugfixes for Notational Velocity ALT
- Notational Velocity alternative MultiMarkdown version
- Markdown QuickTags 0.7
- Markdown QuickTags: WordPress plugin for Markdown lovers
- Edit your WordPress QuickTags the right way
- PromptDown for iOS: Mobile Markdown Teleprompter
- Look, I made you a Markdown teleprompter
- Three things I discovered today
- MultiMarkdown in MarsEdit
- TextExpander experiments
- A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown