MarkedIcon1 2I’m super-duper excited to
announce that Marked version 1.2 is now in
the Mac App Store. It’s a rewrite from the
ground up… same great flavor, all new file
watching mechanism. It uses Spotlight to track
changes now, which is far more stable and
adept at handling things like name changes
and deletions of open files. The only catch is
that you have to have Spotlight indexing turned
on and available in the folder where your file
is (i.e. not set to private in Spotlight settings).

Marked 1.2 also adds niceties such as search, GitHub styles for editing files, and the ability to actually copy and paste from the preview and source views using standard shortcut keys (sorry that wasn’t there to begin with).

Here’s hoping that I fixed more than I broke in the process, and that you all enjoy the new release! Check out the Marked website for more info, and see the release notes for the full (and very long) list of what’s new!

Also, I’ll soon be unveiling a library of user-contributed custom styles, tips, tricks, scripts and System Services for making the most of Marked. If you have any of these that you’d like to contribute (with attribution, of course), let me know!