Posts Tagged “tools”
- Readwise highlights to DEVONthink
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Behind The Scenes
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Late Additions
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Personal Projects
- Brett's Favorites 2024: iOS
- Brett's Favorites 2024: macOS
- Scripting when you're away: beengone 2.0
- OmniOutliner giveaway!
- Acorn giveaway!
- Revisiting TagFiler and Vitag
- Introducing CurlyQ, a pipeline-oriented curl helper
- Brett's Favorites 2023
- Kaleidoscope: Spot the differences, merge in seconds [Sponsor]
- Increment Templated Service/PopClip update
- Brett's Favorites 2022 - Personal Projects
- Revamping na (Next Action CLI)
- Read2Text is now Gather, your new Markdownifier
- Web Excursions for March 15, 2022
- Brett's Favorites 2021
- Doing 2.0
- Web Excursions for October 19, 2021
- Just your average project update and wellness check-in
- SummerFest 2021: Festival of Artisanal Software [Sponsor]
- Scripting with sudo on Mac
- Mind Maps and Marked 2
- Updating the TextExpander Tools
- Brett's Favorites 2020
- Pleexy - take control of your tasks wherever they're from [Sponsor]
- Markdown Service Tools v3.0
- Automating NiftyMenu
- MeisterTask, the tool you need to be using when working from home [Sponsor]
- Sponsor: Productivity explosion with The Archive
- Enhanced music listening on macOS
- Scatterbrained: Revisiting the "doing" CLI
- Soundtrack - experiments with Spotify, Apple Music, and
- Brett's Favorites 2019
- PDF better with PDFpen
- SearchLink Basics
- Fish: further exploration
- Notification of recent changes to your
- Sponsor: TableFlip -- The Ultimate Plain Text Table Editing Tool, now in the Mac App Store
- On scripting runtimes and macOS
- Sponsor: PDFpen 11, the ultimate tool for PDF editing
- TextExpander Tools update
- PDFPen: The ultimate tool for PDFs
- Stuff I've made (and actually use)
- Web Excursions for January 14, 2019
- Automated web image workflow, part 1
- Web Excursions for February 26, 2018
- Best of 2017: Nerding out on macOS
- Best of 2017: working on macOS
- Best of 2017: iOS Apps
- Share all your browser tabs at once
- CodeRunner 2
- Shell Tricks: man pages
- Recap: Jul 17th, 2014
- How to lose your tags
- Speedy note taking with concurrent topics
- Web Excursions for April 14, 2014
- Recap: Mar 26th, 2014
- Automating dynamic date math in TextExpander
- Web Excursions for February 07, 2014
- Web Excursions for January 30, 2014
- Mindmeister 9: more powerful cloud mind mapping
- 2013: My year in review
- Planter 2.0 with Mavericks tagging
- TextExpander and Lorem Ingsoc in Wonderland
- TextExpander tools updated for Mavericks
- Advanced file management with ForkLift (plus giveaway!)
- Brainstorming the brainstorm: workflows and ideas
- Web Excursions for August 08, 2013
- Mavericks and Tagging
- More Markdown for PopClip
- An Inline Footnote Service redux just for Gabe
- Gerber Artifact, the most useful thing in my pocket
- A couple of new TextExpander snippets
- New TextExpander tools for bitly and CloudApp
- TextExpander Tools updated
- TextExpander tools for AppleScript editing
- New: TextExpander downloads with custom prefixes