Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, happy [your favorite December holiday] to everyone else.

Systematic will be a little delayed this week. I recorded a fun episode ahead of time with Jesse Grosjean of Hog Bay Software, with the intention of editing on my flight to Georgia, but forgot to record the ad spots I needed before leaving my home studio behind. So much for planning ahead. That episode will probably be up by Thursday.

Marked remains on sale through the 28th… I think. The iTunes Connect holiday means I can’t change prices or metadata for it, but I did have some scheduled changes I forgot to erase before the holiday began. This could mean uncontrollable changes in price or, worst case, a couple days of Marked being unavailable for sale. That would be bad, but it’s currently beyond my control. My apologies for any inconvenience.

I hope you all have a splendid holiday and are reading this after spending some time with family and rising out of food-induced comas of some variety.