Hey, did I mention I’m speaking at Macstock in July? Yeah, I did. The speaker lineup is finalized, and it’s great. There are a couple of old friends of mine speaking that I’m excited to both hear and catch up with: App Camp For Girls founder Jean MacDonald and TUAW alum Kelly Guimont. You can also catch informative and entertaining talks from keynote speaker Bob LeVitus (a.k.a. Dr. Mac), Adam Christianson, Dave Ginsburg, Mike Schmitz, Chuck Joiner, Guy Serle, Tim Robertson, Allison Sheridan, Wally Cherwinski, and, of course, me.
Macstock 2018 is happening July 21st and 22nd in Woodstock, IL (near Chicago). I will not be speaking about yoga. I will be talking about tagging, including a deep dive session with all of the nerdery you would expect.
You missed the early bird sale. I’m not shaming you, I’m just saying that if you were thinking about coming, you’re soooo late in signing up. But I have compassion, and I got you a coupon code. If you use IndieNerd, you can save $70 off the full price of a weekend pass (which includes meetups and barbecues). Plus, you get to hang out with cool, Apple-loving cats, and for my part, I’ll be extra nice to you.
Please help Macstock continue to grow. It’s already an event I look forward to every year, but there’s one thing that would make it better: you. Don’t forget, coupon code IndieNerd (all links on this page will apply the code automatically). See you at Macstock!
For your inspiration, some of my photos from last year’s event…
Decent crowd for early morning!John Voorhees unwittingly posing.Did you know Macstock is held in the city where Groundhog Day was filmed?Cocoon contest. Jeff won.Speakers prepping...Allison Sheridan. And Barry.