
<source srcset="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7447.jpg 1x, https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7447.jpg 2x" />
<img class="alignright" data-original="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7447.jpg" data-at2x="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7447.jpg" src="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.jpg" alt="Systematic logo" title="Systematic logo" />
        </picture>](http://5by5.tv/systematic/52 "Systematic Episode 52 - Robert Palmer")

No, not that Robert Palmer. He’s dead. This one is still alive and doing awesome web and print design work.

Robert had a near-death experience last year, and we talked about what effect that may have had on his life, his perspective and his work. We also talk about email rage, web design top picks and booze.

Thanks to Robert for making the time and being an awesome guest. Check out episode 52 on 5by5.