
<source srcset="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7447.jpg 1x, https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7447.jpg 2x" />
<img class="alignright" data-original="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7447.jpg" data-at2x="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7447.jpg" src="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.jpg" alt="Systematic logo" title="Systematic logo" />
        </picture>](http://5by5.tv/systematic/34 "Systematic Episode 34 - George Browning")

A big thanks to George Browning of Zengobi Software for joining me this week on Systematic. The creator of Curio talked brainstorming with me (collaborative and personal) and shared some great top picks.

Barry Terpstra makes an appearance this week. It’s fun to do the “special” spots, but it’s horribly disruptive; I’m not sure Barry will be back in the future, so get your kicks while you can. Episode #34 is up on 5by5 now!

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to podcasting, from planning through editing and publishing, The Successful Podcasting courses from Aaron Dowd are now available as a part of a subscription to seanwes.com. $99/month gets you access to Successful Podcasting, the Logic and GarageBand courses, and a whole bunch of other great courses on seanwes.com. If you want to expand your skills, check it out!