
<source srcset="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7446.jpg 1x, https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7446.jpg 2x" />
<img class="alignright" data-original="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7446.jpg" data-at2x="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7446.jpg" src="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.jpg" alt="Systematic logo" title="Systematic logo" />
        </picture>](http://5by5.tv/systematic/29 "Systematic Episode 29 - Macworld Interviews")

Systematic #29 was posted earlier today, including interviews with Victor Agreda Jr., Michael Schechter and Fletcher MultiMarkdown Penney, M.D.. It consists of off-the-cuff chats during my week at Macworld and is to be taken lightly and with a sense of humor. Hope you enjoy it.

I’ll be back on a more normal Systematic schedule this coming week, but it was great to connect with some fellow geeks at Macworld. Thanks to everyone who took the time to catch up with me this week, and my apologies to the people who I missed in my scheduling. I know there were a few. I’ll be looking forward to catching up with more folks at WWDC!