I wrote a pretty basic script a long time ago that converts TaskPaper files to Markdown for nice previewing/publishing. I recently updated it with a bunch of modernizations.
markdown, ruby, scripting, taskpaper
I’ve been working away from my office a lot, so I’ve been using my MacBook Pro keyboard as often as my Ultimate Hacking Keyboard. I missed the arrow key navigation, so I hacked a little modification in using Karabiner that fills the gap.
bettertouchtool, karabiner, keyboard
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 5 1-year subscriptions to Bear Pro ($29.99 value each) for Bear. That’s right, another chance at Bear! Bear is a great app for note taking, journaling, and organizing information with Markdown support. It’s gorgeous to work with, elegant in its functionality, and even works great with Marked for all your export needs.
giveaway, macos
I’ve been playing with some Karabiner Elements setups and thought I’d start sharing some that I find useful. I’m publishing these as part of the KeyBinding series, as I think they make sense there.
karabiner, keybindings, keyboard
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 3 licenses ($29.99 value each) for Bike. That’s right, another chance at Bike! Bike is a deceptively simple outliner. It uses plain text files (HTML, but also supports OPML and text) to store structured data that maintain simplicity while offering a ton of functionality. Add row types like headings, ordered lists, task lists, and more. Create deep-links into your outline (works great with Hookmark).
giveaway, macos
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 2 licenses ($39.99 value each) for SpamSieve. Michael Tsai has generously agreed to offer 2 more licenses for SpamSeive, so you get another chance at this great app. SpamSieve provides powerful spam filtering for any email setup. It learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all spam. Use it instead of or in addition to your current junk mail filtering.
giveaway, macos
Whether you’re a new user or a seasoned pro, ScreenCastsONLINE offers in-depth screencasts on a wide range of topics, from tutorials to app discovery. Check it out.
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 2 licenses ($14.95 value each) for App Tamer. That’s right, another chance at App Tamer! Got unruly applications? App Tamer helps you take control of your CPU by controlling how much access your apps have to it. Throttle apps that take up too much CPU, speeding up the apps you’re using most.
giveaway, macos